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Okay – so I’m hashtag/asterisk deficient. In my recent “Bleet” post, I wrote #smiles at her cleverness# and erred by putting it between hashtags. You knew what I meant, right? Anyway, that got me thinking about what other keyboard symbols might be useful in tweets (and bleets).

A + can be put on either side of a phrase to indicate emphasis: +happy+ can indicate a ecstatic joyousness. Or +angry+ can mean you are royally ticked-off.

The ~ before and after a word can mean “approximately,” like you’re not really sure you’re feeling what you wrote. For example, ~interested~ can be when you’re still trying to gin-up an interest in something.

Using ! before an after a word makes it into a shout like using all caps.

Maybe & can mean “and so on…” Like, &laughing& means you’re also smiling, jumping for joy, dancing around the room, etc.

The $ and % symbols have me stumped, though. +thoughtful+