I think blogs should be written with some form of regularity, impart wisdom on some level and entertain to some degree. The same for tweets: if I follow you and you write about the smell of banana bread baking in your oven while you struggle with a book revision, post a link to the recipe (I’ve got overripe bananas, too.)

I can’t help with the content part of blogs and tweets but I have a possible solution for the regularity of the posting: multitask and combine the two into “bleets,” a post between a blog and a tweet. #smiles at her cleverness#

This has surely been proposed before. And it conveniently rhymes with “bleat,” which, besides being the sound made by a sheep or goat, also means to “talk complainingly or with a whine” or to “blather.” (Merriam-Webster’s 2009 Collegiate).

Bleets also have the advantage of more characters than tweets (only 140 characters? I mean, really!) while still staying short. And you can still use hashtags (see above) and other funky punctuation. 🙂