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I was visiting with girlfriends in New Hampshire and we planned a day of bicycle-touring on nearby Plum Island. It was a sunny, warm day and I had lost my sunglasses so we stopped at a drugstore for me to get new ones.

I tried on a bunch from one of those rotating plastic towers with mirrors glued to the top. Most were brown or black-framed but the ones that made me smile had amber-colored frames and leopard spots.

I’m usually quite conventional. And at the time I rarely made frivolous purchases, opting instead to buy things that I could use for a long time. But these sunglasses — they were FUN. Worth it even if I never wore them after that trip (which was likely).

Then the voice of reason spoke up (in the guise of my even more conventional friend) and I bought boring brown-framed glasses instead.

That was ten years ago. I’ve regretted it ever since.

Boring versus fun? Come on…we could all use a few extra smiles in our life.